Sunday, 27 November 2011

Reflective learning post

Today I have accomplished some pretty cool stuff, just like any other day but today is different because this post is my fifth reflection post.  So today  I am going to reflect on my learning at school.

(1.) I feel I have progressed a lot since starting at Myross Bush, because...........
I have progressed in my basic facts ladder a lot, in fact I have passed the whole thing so now I am working on Khan Academy. Also I am working on stage 7 maths above my expected level.

(2.) I have progressed in my spelling since I came to this school all thanks to the teachers because they have been pushing me and I have excelled in that area a lot because of the help I have received.
P.S I have passed all the rocket spelling list.

3. I would like to go on all day but I would just bore you so I am going to make it quick and snappy.
I would like to say thanks to Mr Herring if he is reading this because I think he it a great teacher and for all the help he has given me especially for putting up with me nagging to get a basic facts ladder test or rocket spelling so thank you.

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