Liquid and ice but how?
Water is a form of matter, matter is made of elements
solid, liquid and gas.
But today we will only be looking at liquid and solid and
how it turns from water into ice.
Liquid// Water is made of thousands and thousands of atoms.
Water is free to move around not like a brick, so the atoms will be moving
around fast but not as fast as gas,but that is another story that we will go into another
day.However, so the atoms in the water are moving around and bumping into each other.
What is the temperature to turn water into ice?
Well you know how you can change the temperature in the freezer to freeze things is 0 degrees celcuise
So when you freeze ice it turns into a solid so... the atoms in the ice won't move at all and lets face it they are stuck.
Hail, for instance, in the clouds are little droplets of water, and when it gets really cold, 0 degrees celsius. The weight of the frozen droplets in the clouds is so heavy, the hail comes pelting down and eventually dissolves, and atoms are free to move again!
So, for the liquid/water of any other substance, like juice, to freeze it has to be 0 degrees celcius, then it will turn into a solid/ice.